Pharmaceutical Ozone Treatment
Pharmaceutical industry requires pure water with high level of sanitization and ozone delivers. Ozone helps in achieving process pure water without any microbial contaminants, without any added chemicals or it involves any heat. Pharmaceutical waste water generates severe active pharmaceutical residues where there are no viable filtration techniques to destroy those residues.
Ozone is the best available method to completely break down pharmaceutical residues into harmless substances. Also ozone helps in deodorizing, sludge removal from generated waste water treatment simultaneously makes ozone based sytems economically feasible finally ecofriendly.
Ozone Advantages & Benefits
Ozone is one of the best possible method to sterilize process pure water where dissolved ozone does not results in undesired byproducts and also destroys contaminants like microbes
Ozone’s strong oxidizing and disinfecting property prevents microbial growth and its possible regeneration.
Due to its microbiological property ozone destroys microorganisms and bacteria present in water and prevent its possible regrowth
Chemical bond
Ozone disintegrates chemical bonds in complex molecules, which enables to remove toxic pharmaceutical residues contained in wastewater
Ozone completely destroys micro pollutants into biodegradable products which can be filtered prior to discharge
Ozone effectively removes odour, color and sludge in the treated effluent wastewater
Eco Friendly
Ozone maintains clean environment, Its economic and ecofriendly